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ASUS Keyboard Repair in Port Colborne

If you're having issues with your ASUS keyboard, you may be thinking that it's time to replace it. However, before you shell out the cash for a new one, consider having it repaired instead. Not only can repairs be much more cost-effective, but they can also extend the lifespan of your keyboard and help you avoid the hassle of having to learn how to type on a new one.

If you're located in Port Colborne or the surrounding areas, JTG Systems can help you with your ASUS keyboard repairs. Their experienced technicians can diagnose and repair a wide range of issues, from unresponsive keys to damaged connectors.

Here's everything you need to know about ASUS keyboard repair in Port Colborne:

Common ASUS Keyboard Issues

Before we dive into how ASUS keyboard repairs are done, let's take a look at some of the most common issues that users face with these keyboards:

Sticky or Unresponsive Keys

One of the most frustrating issues that users can experience is sticky or unresponsive keys. This can make it nearly impossible to type, and can significantly slow down your work or gaming experience.

Damaged Connectors

Another common issue is damaged connectors. This can happen when the keyboard is dropped or bumped, or simply through repeated use over time. When the connectors are damaged, the keyboard may not be able to communicate with the computer, making it impossible to type.

Loose or Broken Keys

Keyboards that are heavily used may experience issues with loose or broken keys. Over time, the keys can become worn and loose, making it difficult to type. In more severe cases, the keys may become fully detached from the keyboard, making repairs necessary.

Common ASUS Keyboard Repair Techniques

So, how do technicians approach keyboard repairs? Here are some of the most common techniques used for ASUS keyboard repairs:


One of the first steps in repairing a keyboard is cleaning it thoroughly. This helps to remove any debris, dust, or other materials that may be clogging up the keyboard and causing issues. Technicians will typically use compressed air or specialized cleaning solutions to get the job done.

Key Replacement

In cases where keys are missing or broken, key replacement may be necessary. Technicians can remove and replace individual keys, ensuring that they're properly aligned and connected to the keyboard.

Connector Repair

If the issue is with the connectors, technicians may need to repair or replace them. This can involve soldering new connectors onto the circuit board, or replacing the entire circuit board if necessary.

Cable Replacement

If the issue lies with the cable connecting the keyboard to the computer, technicians may need to replace it. This is a more complex repair, but one that can often restore full functionality to the keyboard.

Why Choose JTG Systems for Your ASUS Keyboard Repairs?

If you're in Port Colborne or the surrounding areas, why should you choose JTG Systems for your ASUS keyboard repairs? Here are just a few reasons:

Experienced Technicians

At JTG Systems, all of their technicians are highly experienced and skilled when it comes to repairing ASUS keyboards. They have worked on countless keyboards and have the expertise to diagnose and repair a wide range of issues.

Local Service

If you're in Port Colborne, you don't want to have to travel far to get your keyboard repaired. JTG Systems is conveniently located at 577 Niagara Street in Welland, just a short distance away from Port Colborne.

Fast Turnaround Time

They understand that you rely on your keyboard every day. That's why they strive to offer fast turnaround times for all of their repairs. In many cases, they can have your keyboard repaired and back to you within just a few days.

Affordable Rates

Replacing a keyboard can be expensive, especially if you're looking for a high-quality ASUS keyboard. However, repairs are often much more affordable. JTG Systems offers competitive rates for all of their repair services, ensuring that you can get your keyboard fixed without breaking the bank.


If you're experiencing issues with your ASUS keyboard, don't give up on it just yet. With the help of JTG Systems, you can have it repaired quickly and affordably, getting you back to work or gaming in no time. Whether the issue is with sticky keys, damaged connectors, or broken cables, their experienced technicians can diagnose and repair the problem.


Can all ASUS keyboard issues be repaired?

In most cases, yes. However, if the keyboard is severely damaged or has significant internal issues, it may not be possible to repair.

How long does keyboard repair typically take?

This can vary depending on the extent of the repairs needed. However, JTG Systems strives to offer fast turnaround times and may be able to complete your repair within just a few days.

Will I need to bring my computer in for keyboard repair?

In most cases, no. Keyboard repairs can typically be completed without the need for your computer. However, if there are issues with the connectors or other internal components, the technician may need to access the inside of your computer.
