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ASUS Liquid Damage Repair in Thorold: A Guide to Get Your System Fixed

If you're currently dealing with a liquid damage issue on your ASUS computer, you're probably wondering about the steps you can take to get the issue fixed. Liquid damage can be a frustrating issue to deal with as it can cause your system's hardware to malfunction or even stop working altogether. In this comprehensive guide, we'll be discussing the steps you can take to repair your ASUS system if it's been affected by liquid damage in Thorold.

Step 1: Turn off the System

First and foremost, if your ASUS computer has been exposed to liquid, the most crucial step is to turn off the system immediately. Continuing to operate your system when it's wet can cause further damage to the system's hardware and internal components. The longer you keep your computer powered on or plugged into a power source, the higher the chances of permanent damage.

Once you've turned off your system, remove any external devices such as the charger, mouse, or keyboard, and unplug the laptop from the wall socket as well. This will ensure that no electricity flows through the system, minimizing the chances of an electrical short.

Step 2: Remove any Liquid from the System

Now that you've turned off your system and unplugged it from all power sources, the next step is to remove any liquid that may have entered the system. If you spilled water, tea, or coffee onto the system, gently turn the laptop upside down making sure that the liquid drains out of the keyboard. You can also use an absorbent cloth to soak up the excess liquid.

Avoid using a hairdryer to dry up the system, as this may cause further damage to the internal components.

Step 3: Let the System Dry

Once you've removed any excess liquid from the system, the next step is to allow it to dry naturally. Ideally, you should leave your system untouched for at least 24 hours, so the moisture can naturally evaporate. This is because if any moisture is left inside the system, it can wreak havoc on the motherboard and other internal components.

Step 4: Take Your System to JTG Systems

If you've taken the necessary steps mentioned above and your system is still not responding, it's time to take it to a professional ASUS repair service center. ASUS liquid damage repair is a specialized service that requires expertise in handling laptops that have been affected by water or other forms of liquid. JTG Systems is a reliable repair shop that offers ASUS liquid damage repair services in Thorold and neighboring areas.

At JTG Systems, our team of certified technicians has years of experience in repairing ASUS laptops affected by liquid damage. We use state-of-the-art equipment and specialized tools to diagnose the issue and bring your system back to its former glory, saving you the costly expense of a new system.

Step 5: Why Choose JTG Systems for Your ASUS Liquid Damage Repair

With many repair service centers to choose from, why should you choose JTG Systems for your ASUS liquid damage repair needs in Thorold? Here are some reasons:

We Have a Proven Track Record

At JTG Systems, we've built a reputation for providing reliable, professional, and efficient repair services in Thorold and neighboring areas. We've handled hundreds of ASUS liquid damage repair cases successfully and returned the systems to their owners in excellent working condition.

Experienced Technicians

Our team of certified technicians has years of experience handling all kinds of liquid damage repair cases on ASUS laptops. They have the knowledge, expertise, and sophisticated tools required to identify the root cause of the issue and provide the most efficient solution.

Affordable and Comprehensive Repair Services

At JTG Systems, we provide affordable liquid damage repair services that won't break the bank. Our services are comprehensive, and we maintain prompt communication throughout the repair process, letting you know precisely what we're doing and the estimated cost.

Quick Turnaround Time

We understand that your ASUS laptop is an essential part of your personal and work life. That's why we ensure that our turnaround time is quick, so you don't have to spend too much time without your system.


Liquid damage can be a frustrating issue to deal with on your ASUS laptop. However, with JTG Systems, you don't have to worry about getting your system fixed quickly and efficiently. We offer a range of ASUS liquid damage repair services designed to bring your system back to life, saving you time and money.

If you're currently dealing with liquid damage on your ASUS laptop in Thorold, don't hesitate to reach out to us at 577 Niagara Street in Welland, Ontario, or call (905) 892-455We're ready to help you get your system up and running again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it worth repairing a liquid-damaged ASUS laptop?

A: It depends on how severe the liquid damage is. In most cases, repairing a liquid-damaged laptop is worth the investment. With the right repair service, your ASUS laptop can be restored to its original working condition, saving you the cost of a new system.

Q: Can I repair liquid damage on my ASUS system myself?

A: We advise against attempting to repair liquid damage on your ASUS system yourself. This is because liquid damage repair requires specialized tools, expertise, and safety measures that only professionals can provide.

Q: How long does it take to repair a liquid-damaged ASUS laptop?

A: The repair time for liquid damage on an ASUS laptop depends on the severity of the damage. However, at JTG Systems, we have a quick turnaround time to ensure that your system is restored in the shortest possible time without compromising on the quality of repair.
