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ASUS Malware Removal in St. Catharines: Keep Your Computer Safe with JTG Systems

It's frustrating to find your ASUS computer infected with malware. Malware can cause slow performance, crashes, and even data loss. You need to remove it as soon as possible to safeguard your system and your personal data. But where and how can you get reliable ASUS malware removal in St. Catharines?

JTG Systems, located at 577 Niagara Street in Welland, Ontario, provides a comprehensive malware removal service for all ASUS models. With over 20 years of experience in computer repair and support, JTG Systems has the knowledge and tools to eliminate all types of malware from your ASUS computer. And the best part? You don't even need to leave your home - JTG Systems offers remote support for malware removal, so you can get rid of the malware without leaving your house.

But first, let's look at why malware is such a threat, what types of malware exist, and how to detect malware on your ASUS computer.

Malware: A Threat to Your PC and Your Privacy

Malware is short for malicious software, and it refers to any software designed to cause harm, steal data, or disrupt the normal functioning of a computer system. Malware is a broad category that includes viruses, Trojans, spyware, ransomware, adware, and more.

The consequences of malware can be severe. Viruses can corrupt or destroy your files, Trojans can allow hackers to take control of your computer, spyware can track your online activity and steal your personal information, ransomware can lock you out of your system until you pay a ransom, and adware can inundate you with pop-ups and unwanted ads.

Malware can enter your system through various means:

  • Email attachments
  • Downloads from untrusted websites
  • Infected USB drives
  • Exploits in outdated software
  • Social engineering tactics like phishing

You can protect your ASUS computer from malware by adopting some best practices, such as:

  • Keeping your operating system and software up-to-date
  • Using a reliable anti-virus/anti-malware program
  • Being cautious with email attachments and downloads
  • Avoiding clicking on suspicious links
  • Educating yourself on common phishing tactics

Despite your best efforts, however, malware can still find a way into your computer. That's when you need professional help from a reliable ASUS malware removal expert.

Types of Malware We Remove from Your ASUS PC

At JTG Systems, we specialize in removing all types of malware from ASUS computers. Here are some of the most common types of malware we encounter:


Viruses are the most well-known type of malware, and they can spread quickly and disrupt your computer's normal functioning. Some viruses can even cause permanent damage to your files.


Trojans are named after the famous wooden horse that allowed Greek soldiers to enter the city of Troy. Similarly, Trojan malware tries to enter your computer by disguising itself as a legitimate program. Once inside, it can allow hackers to gain unauthorized access to your system.


Spyware is a type of malware that secretly observes your online activity and collects your personal information. Spyware can also change your computer settings and slow down your device.


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your files and demands payment in exchange for the decryption key. Paying the ransom doesn't guarantee that you'll get your files back, and it can also encourage hackers to create more ransomware.


Adware is a type of malware that displays unwanted ads and pop-ups on your computer. While adware isn't as dangerous as other types of malware, it can be incredibly annoying and disruptive.

Signs That Your ASUS PC is Infected with Malware

Malware can be sneaky and hard to detect, but there are some signs that your ASUS computer may be infected, including:

  • Slow performance
  • Programs taking longer to launch or run
  • Pop-ups or ads appearing out of nowhere
  • Strange error messages
  • Your anti-virus/anti-malware program not working correctly
  • Your computer freezing or crashing frequently
  • Internet connection slowing down

If you notice any of these signs on your ASUS computer, don't wait - call JTG Systems right away. The longer you wait, the more damage the malware can do.

ASUS Malware Removal at JTG Systems: How It Works

At JTG Systems, we use a tried-and-tested process to remove malware from ASUS computers. Here are the steps we follow:

Step 1: Assessment

When you call us for ASUS malware removal, we'll evaluate the severity of the infection and gather information about your ASUS computer. We'll ask you to describe the symptoms you're experiencing, and we'll also check your computer's hardware and software information.

Step 2: Malware Removal

Based on our assessment, we'll create a customized solution to remove malware from your ASUS PC. We use the latest malware removal tools and techniques to ensure that all traces of malware are eliminated.

Step 3: Prevention

After we remove the malware, we'll install anti-virus/anti-malware software on your ASUS computer to prevent future infections. We'll also give you tips on how to stay safe online and avoid malware in the future.

Step 4: Follow-Up Support

We're committed to making sure that your ASUS computer stays malware-free. That's why we offer follow-up support to all our ASUS malware removal customers. If you experience any issues after the malware removal, we'll be happy to help you out.


Malware can wreak havoc on your ASUS computer, but you don't have to face it alone. With JTG Systems' ASUS malware removal service, you can get rid of malware quickly and easily, without leaving your home. Our team of experts has over 20 years of experience in computer repair and support, and we're dedicated to providing the best possible service to our customers. Call us at (905) 892-4555 or visit us at our location at 577 Niagara Street in Welland, Ontario, and let us help you get your ASUS computer back to its full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What's the difference between anti-virus and anti-malware software?

A: Anti-virus software is designed to detect and remove viruses, while anti-malware software covers a broader range of threats, including viruses, Trojans, spyware, ransomware, and adware. Anti-malware software is generally more comprehensive and effective than anti-virus software.

Q: Can I remove malware from my ASUS computer myself?

A: It's possible to remove some types of malware from your computer using anti-virus/anti-malware software. However, some types of malware are more stubborn and require professional expertise to remove safely. Trying to remove malware yourself can also lead to data loss or further damage to your computer.

Q: How can I prevent malware from infecting my ASUS computer in the future?

A: There are several steps you can take to prevent malware from infecting your ASUS computer:

  • Keep your operating system and software up-to-date
  • Use a reliable anti-virus/anti-malware program
  • Be cautious with email attachments and downloads
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links
  • Educate yourself on common phishing tactics
  • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible

By following these best practices, you can keep your ASUS computer safe and secure.
