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How Do I Clean My Computer's Internal Components?

As we use our computers regularly, it is essential to maintain them properly. One of the most important aspects of computer maintenance is cleaning the internal components. A dirty computer can run slow, overheat, and even damage the hardware. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps to clean your computer's internal components.

Why do you need to clean your computer's internal components?

Dust and debris can accumulate in your computer's internal components and can cause various problems. Over time, this buildup can restrict airflow, causing your computer to overheat and damage the hardware. Regular cleaning of your computer's internal components can increase the life of your computer and help it to perform at its best.

Steps to clean your computer's internal components

Before we start cleaning the internal components of your computer, it is essential to turn off the power and disconnect all cables. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Remove the side panel

The first step is to remove the side panel of your computer case. Most computer cases have screws holding the side panel, which you need to remove. Some cases may have a latch or a button, which you can press to remove the side panel.

Step 2: Grounding

Before touching any of the computer's internal components, you need to ground yourself. You can do this by touching a metal object or wearing an anti-static wristband. This step is essential to avoid static electricity discharge, which can damage the hardware components.

Step 3: Compressed air can

Now that you have removed the side panel and grounded yourself, it's time to clean the internal components. The easiest way to do this is by using a can of compressed air. You can find compressed air cans at any computer hardware store.

Hold the can at a distance of about four inches from the components and spray the air in short bursts. Start with the power supply unit and the fans, as these are the most significant dust collectors. Use the compressed air can to blow out all the dust from the fans and heatsinks without touching them.

Step 4: Cleaning the Heat sinks and fan blades

The heatsinks and the fan blades can accumulate a lot of dust, which can lead to overheating and damage to your components. To clean these components, use a soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush. Make sure to be gentle while cleaning the fan blades so that they do not get damaged.

Step 5: Cleaning other components

After cleaning the heatsinks and fan blades, proceed to clean other components like the graphics card, motherboard, and memory modules. Use the compressed air can to blow out dust from these components.

Step 6: Reassemble the computer

After cleaning all the internal components, reassemble the computer by putting back the side panel and tightening any screws. Reconnect all the cables and turn on the computer.


Cleaning your computer's internal components is essential to maintain its performance and increase its lifespan. Using a can of compressed air and a soft-bristled brush, you can clean your computer's internal components easily. It is recommended to clean your computer's internal components every six months to keep them in good condition.


1. Can I use a vacuum cleaner to clean my computer's internal components?

Using a vacuum cleaner to clean your computer's internal components is not recommended, as it can generate static electricity, which can damage the hardware components.

2. How often should I clean my computer's internal components?

It is recommended to clean your computer's internal components every six months to maintain its performance and increase its lifespan.

3. Can I take my computer to a professional to get it cleaned?

Yes, if you are not comfortable cleaning your computer's internal components, you can take it to a professional. JTG Systems located at 577 Niagara Street in Welland, Ontario, offers computer cleaning services. You can call (905) 892-4555 to book an appointment.
