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How do I clean my computer's screen without damaging it?

Cleaning a computer's screen seems to be an easy task, but it can be delicate if you don't have the right knowledge and tools. Using the wrong cleaners or cloths can cause damage to the screen, and sometimes irreparable damage. Cleaning the screen properly ensures its longevity and visual clarity. Here are some tips to keep your computer's screen looking its best:

Materials needed for cleaning a computer screen

  • Microfiber cloth: These cloths are soft and have tiny fibers that help to remove dust and dirt from the screen without leaving any scratches. They are easily available at any electronic store or online.
  • Distilled water: Tap water is not recommended for cleaning, as it contains minerals that could create residue and streaks on the screen. Distilled water is water that has had its impurities removed through a distillation process.
  • Screen cleaner: A specifically designed cleaner for computer screens is recommended. Avoid using alcohol or vinegar-based cleaners, as they can cause damage to the screen.

Steps to clean your computer screen

  1. Turn off your computer and unplug it from the power source. This ensures your safety and prevents damage to the computer.
  2. Using a microfiber cloth, dust off the screen gently. It's easy for dust and debris to collect on the screen, and removing those beforehand makes the cleaning process easier.
  3. If there are any spots or stains, mist the screen with distilled water, making sure not to overspray. Less is more in cleaning a computer screen. Don't use much water to avoid damage.
  4. Gently wipe the screen in a circular motion with the microfiber cloth, applying a bit more pressure to any dirty spots. Do not press too hard, or it can create scratches on the screen.
  5. If you need a little extra cleaning power, use a cleaning solution specifically designed for computer screens. Apply the solution to the microfiber cloth and then gently clean the screen. Do not apply a screen cleaner directly to the computer screen.
  6. Repeat the process until the screen is clean, then leave it to dry for at least 10 minutes before using your computer again.

Tips for maintaining a clean screen

  • Avoid touching the screen with your fingers. Fingerprints are tough to clean and create a smudged look on the screen.
  • Keep your computer in a clean and dust-free area to prevent dust from accumulating on the screen.
  • Make sure to clean your screen regularly to prevent dirt and debris from building up.
  • If you're unsure about how to clean the screen, consult a professional. JTG Systems in Welland, Ontario, is a great option for computer repair and cleaning.

Ultimately, cleaning your computer screen is essential to ensure its longevity and visual clarity. Using the appropriate tools and materials to clean the screen is vital to prevent damage.


Cleaning a computer screen can be a straightforward task, but it needs to be done with care to prevent damage. It's essential to use the right materials and techniques to ensure the screen remains in good condition. A clean screen improves visual clarity and extends the life of the computer. For professional help cleaning your computer screen, contact JTG Systems in Welland, Ontario, at (905) 892-4555.


  1. Can I use household cleaners to clean my computer screen?

Household cleaners contain substances that can damage your computer screen, causing cracks, scratches and other damage. Avoid using household cleaners, including alcohol, vinegar, and Windex, to clean your computer screen.

  1. How often should I clean my computer screen?

Cleaning frequency depends on how much dust and debris accumulates on the screen. Generally, it's a good idea to clean your screen once a week or every two weeks.

  1. What should I do if my computer screen starts to show damage after cleaning?

Reach out to a professional at JTG Systems, located at 577 Niagara Street in Welland, Ontario, by calling (905) 892-4555. They will assess the situation and provide you with the best solution to fix any damage.
