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Keyboard Repair in Thorold: A Comprehensive Guide

As technology advances, the use of computers has become an essential part of daily life for both personal and professional activities. Among computer peripherals, the keyboard is the most frequently used device, and with constant typing, they may encounter issues at times. Regardless of the cause, malfunctioning keyboards can be a frustrating and time-consuming problem that makes completing even the most straightforward tasks difficult.

As a Thorold resident, you may wonder how to fix your keyboard quickly. Our blog post reveals everything you need to know about keyboard repair in Thorold, including the most common keyboard issues and where you can go for your keyboard repair needs.

Common Keyboard Issues

Identifying the problem is the first step to restoring your keyboard's functionality. Below are some of the most well-known issues that may affect your keyboard:

Sticky Keyboards

Sticky keyboards are a common issue that can occur for many reasons. Food debris, dirt, beverages, or excessive use can cause keys to stick. This issue can impact the keyboard's performance and make it sticky or unresponsive.

Broken Keys

Broken keys occur when the plastic keycap breaks off the key's stem. This issue can severely impact the keyboard's functionality, and using the keyboard without the keycap can aggravate the problem.

Non-Responsive Keys

Non-responsive keys are keys that don't function once pressed. This issue can have many causes, from software-related problems to physical damage. If many keys aren't responding, the keyboard may have suffered physical damage to the circuit board.

Noisy Keys

Noisy keys generate an annoying sound while typing, often bothering people in the same room or cube. This issue can occur when a keycap is loose or not entirely fit on the stem.

It's essential to recognize the signs and causes of keyboard problems to know when to schedule a repair or replacement service.

where to get your Keyboard Repair, Thorold

For residents of Thorold and the surrounding community, JTG Systems has provided reliable and affordable keyboard repair services for decades. This local computer store has the necessary equipment and expertise to handle all manner of computer issues, including keyboard repairs.

Located at 577 Niagara Street in Welland, Ontario. You can call (905) 892- 4555 to book your appointment or start the keyboard repair process. JTG Systems's reliable tech experts have years of experience with all types of keyboard repairs, from minor sticky keys to full keyboard replacements. Their team is always ready to handle your keyboard issues and make your computer use more comfortable and enjoyable.

The Keyboard Repair Process

JTG Systems utilizes top-of-the-line repair techniques and tools to repair and restore your keyboard to its original functioning capacity. The repair process includes the following steps:

Step 1: Diagnostics

JTG Systems's technicians diagnose the keyboard problem to determine if it's repairable. They will also give an appropriate cost estimate once the keyboard issue is thoroughly identified.

Step 2: Repair

Once the technicians diagnose the issue, they'll start the repair process. They will remove the keys from the keyboard and clean any debris, repair or replace faulty parts, and then reassemble the keyboard.

Step 3: Testing

After the repairs are completed, your keyboard goes through a testing phase to ensure that it works correctly and returns to its desirable operating state.

Step 4: Return

Once the JTG Systems team completes and tests your keyboard, they'll notify you that it's ready for pickup. You can either pick it up at the store or have it shipped to your location for added convenience.

Cost of Keyboard Repairs

Many factors influence the price of keyboard repairs, such as the type of repair needed, the keyboard's age, and the brand. However, JTG System offers fair and competitive pricing for keyboard repairs. Their computer repair services offer affordable repairs that make the overall cost of the repair experience reasonable and practical.


In conclusion, a malfunctioning keyboard can be a frustrating and inconvenient problem that every computer user can relate to. However, with proper knowledge of keyboard issues and a reliable computer store like JTG Systems in your area, you can restore your keyboard's functionality and enjoy a smooth work-life balance.


How long does it take to repair my keyboard?

The keyboard repair process generally takes between 1-3 business days, depending on the issue's severity. However, some complicated problems may require more time than a day.

Do I need to make an appointment before bringing my keyboard to JTG System for repair?

It's advisable to call and book an appointment before bringing your keyboard for repair to ensure that a technician is available to evaluate and diagnose the problem and have all the necessary repair tools, parts, and equipment ready.

I'm not based in Welland, Can I still Enlist JTG System's repair services?

Yes. JTG System's repair services extend far beyond Welland, Ontario, to accommodate clients across different regions. You can either choose to ship your keyboard for repair or contact their technicians about on-site repair services.
